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Hii :) Hope you enjoy my blog :D It's basically just a collection of what I thought were special(or whatever had the easiest rhyming words, haha!) #Living the life B)

Saturday, August 17, 2019


She walks into the park with gleaming eyes
Bouncing on her little feet
And in the very corner, she sees
A rusted red swing creak.

She takes her seat on the rickety swing,
On her face a curious grin,
With the swing,she soars into the clouds
And thus, their adventures begin.

But she’s getting older now,
Moments in the park are fleeting and rare,
As busy thoughts entrap her mind, she can no longer
Swing without a care.

She looks back with teary eyes,
Her childhood now subdued,
The old red swing, once again
Creaks in solitude.

Friday, September 21, 2018

We Rise by Lifting Others...

Hi everyone,
I just happened to stumble across my blog today, and realized how much I miss writing! I decided to write something a little different today.
As a high school student, bullying is something I witness quite often. It’s so disheartening to see people spreading hate and negativity rather than being nice to one another (it isn’t that hard!). So I tried writing something along those lines, hope you enjoy it!

We are absolutely blessed to have people in our lives who make us happy, and serve as constant reminders that we are loved. So why do we so often forget to love and spread happiness? It is the ugly truth that as our brains are expanding into newfound realms of innovation and technology, our hearts are disappearing. Day by day, we are forgetting what made humans so special in the first place- their inherent ability to be good to others. In the end, no one is going to remember us by the measure of flashy cars we owned, but rather the measure of integrity, generosity goodness in our hearts.

We can all try to be the sunshine on someone’s rainy day, because happiness is the one thing which you gain more of the more you give away. So give someone a smile on your way to work or school, keep reminding your parents how grateful you are to them,visit an orphanage or even a dog shelter once in a while. Call your old friends just to ask them how they are, or clean up your room without your mum telling you to!
Because it’s the little things that occupy the biggest spaces in our hearts.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Here's a late mothers day poem for all the great moms out there!!!

"Wake up!" she says on a Monday morning
I reply sleepily"But it's not fair!"
"I never said it would be " says mum angrily
" Now brush your teeth and comb your hair!"

" Mum, just two minutes more" I grumble
" Out you get"she weirdly growls
" But I don't want to go to school" I mumble
" KAVYA! OUT! " she loudly howls

Though she tries to wake me up when I don't want to
And pesters me to pick up my clothes and socks
She's far by the best mum ever
And I'm telling you she rocks!!!

Prehistoric adventure

I can see the dinosaurs
Stretching out their intimidating claws

And the Kohinoor diamond golden-brown
Glistening on Victoria's crown

Woah! There is the world's oldest book!
To write it I wonder how long it took

And there's a spear, the oldest tool
To me early humans are pretty cool

It was totally epic to visit the past
I saw loads of stuff and had a blast

OK, if you got fooled stop wondering that this is so awesome
Cause all I did was took a trip to the museum!!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

A Perfect Day!

Not every day's a great one,
But if i had my way
My parents wouldn't scold me
And I would play all day

I'd sleep for half the morning
And wake at only ten
I'd have donuts for breakfast
Then I'd sleep again

I'd wake up at eleven
And then I'd call my friends
Then we'd play or probably chat
About the latest trends

I'd have the best lunch ever
Probably at one
And I'd have the chocolate ice cream
After I am done

And when my mom's not looking
I'd steal her cupboard key
I'd open the candy drawer
And eat all of them with glee

I wouldn't have to study
And there would be no school
All I'd do is play my sports
And that would be so cool

I'd sleep past my bedtime
Which is only nine
I'd eat ice cream again
And that would be divine.

In my perfect day
I would have a blast
But as the adults always say
Nothing's meant to last 

The Dog Across The Street

There's a new dog called Buster
He lives across the street
Hes always very hungry
And pleads for things to eat

Buster and his owner come to my house and say
I don't mean to be rude
But if you don't mind,
Could you spare some food?

I tell them this is the third time they are asking
And we are running out of snacks
Why don't they just ask Vicky
Who lives right around the back

Then they put on an innocent face
That annoyed me to the core
Please, just a little they plead
We wont ask for any more!

I trudge up the stairs
To go and tell my mom
And by the time I come down, they've left
And all the candy is gone!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

If I were god

If I were god
Heres what I would do
Tigers would baa
And cows wouldn’t moo

If I were god
There would be no school
We would have dragons as pets
And that would be cool

If I were god
Salad wouldn’t be healthy
The poorest of the poor
Would be extremely wealthy

If I were god
Trees would be made out of gold
Flowers from silver
No one would grow old

If I were god
Everyone would be a child
And go out to play
With a big glowing smile

If I were god
The world would change
Even if It was really strange!